Showing posts with label wheat production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wheat production. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cotton News in Pakistan

Cotton News in Pakistan 

Cotton Bales Transaction in Sindh & Punjab Stations:

1,200 bales of Sindh stations traded between @Rs.7000 (80.94 c/lbs) to @Rs.7200 (83.26 c/lbs) PMD ex-gin while 6,400 bales of Punjab stations traded between @Rs.6900 (79.79 c/lbs) to @Rs.7250 (83.83 c/lbs) PMD ex-gin. 5,536 bales of Punjab stations sold @Rs.7200 (83.26 c/lbs) to @Rs.7500 (86.72 c/lbs) PMD ex-gin on deferred payment.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Biodiesel in Pakistan

Biodiesel in Pakistan

UOB Kay Hian Malaysia Research expects crude palm oil (CPO) to average RM2,950 per tonne in 2014 on lower inventory level, tight supply and robust demand.

In its plantations industry outlook issued on Monday, it was maintaining its Overweight stance as CPO price was expected to gain upside momentum.

At midday, CPO for third month delivery slumped RM9 to RM2,508 which was the lowest since Nov 8, 2013.

“The commitments from the top two palm oil producers (Indonesia, Malaysia) to raise domestic biodiesel blend will ensure that the increase in palm oil supply in 2014 will be largely absorbed by biodiesel use, and hence keep inventory levels in check,” it said.

UOB Kay Hian Research said Malaysian palm oil inventory was 24.4% on-year lower at 1.99 million tonnes in 2013, lower than its expectation likely due to better-than-expected demand for palm oil in both domestic and export markets.

“Going into 2014, we expect inventory to stay in the range of 1.7 million to 2.1 million tonnes despite better CPO production of 19.4 million to 19.5 million tonnes on the back of better domestic demand for biodiesel use.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Commodity Exchange in Pakistan

Commodity Exchange in Pakistan

Stations Commodities Punjab Min. Punjab Max.

Mianwali,Punjab        Seed Cotton (Phutty)          3200(40kg.)           3350(40kg.)
Bahalngar,Punjab       Cotton Seed (B Seed)         1200(40kg.)          1250(40kg.)
Bahalngar,Punjab       Cotton Seed Oil (B Oil)       4500(40kg.)              4650(40kg.)
Bahalngar,Punjab       C S Cake (Khal)                 1600(56kg.)          1700(56kg.)
Kasur,Punjab               Rice Basmati                     2200(40kg.)          2450(40kg.)
Kasur, Punjab              Rice Irri                           1000(40kg.)          1050(40kg.)
Faibad,Punjab              Wheat                              3700(100kg.)        3800(100kg.)

StationsCommoditiesPunjab MinPunjab Max                               Date : 09.Jan.2014 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wheat in Pakistan

 Wheat in Pakistan

Punjab government announces Rs 18 billion flour subsidy

Punjab government has announced to extend a subsidy of Rs 18 billion for provision of flour to consumers on cheaper rates. It will release wheat to the flour mills at Rs 1330 per 40 kilograms which will ensure the provision of 20-kilogram flour bag to consumers at Rs 785 per bag.
This was announced at a joint press conference by the Punjab Minister for Law Rana Sanaullah, Food Minister Bilal Yaseen, Agriculture Minister Dr Farrukh Javed and Health Minister Khalil Tahir Sindhu. Secretary Food Punjab was also present on the occasion. He said that Punjab government at present have 3.94 million tons of wheat in its stock which is sufficient till the start of next wheat season rather it is 500,000 tons more than the requirement of the province.
The minister said that the Chief Minister had constituted three-member committee comprising Punjab law, food and agriculture ministers to fix the wheat release price for the current year. Keeping in view of all the circumstances, the committee had fixed the price at Rs 1330 per 40 kilogram. He said ample stocks are available with the provincial government and there is no question of wheat shortage.
He said that the government had also devised a strategy for provision of cheaper and quality food to the common man. He said that as per the vision of the Chief Minister Punjab, wheat production would be increased in the province which would not only help meeting provincial requirements but surplus production would be available for export to other provinces and international market.
Rana Sanaullah said that price of wheat and flour was less in the Punjab province as compared to other provinces. City District Government had also been issued directives to ensure availability of cooked chapatti on reasonable rates and for taking action against those charging more than the prescribed rate.
To another question, he said that the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was working for solving the energy crisis, terrorism, ensuring provision of justice and relief to the common man. He said results of these efforts would soon start coming. He claimed that the present government was spending each penny of the nation on projects with full honesty and dedication.